So on Thursday we went to the Biblioteca Nacional and El Museo Arqueológico Nacional. We technically went to the Archeology Museum first, but I'm going to talk about the Library first. Stefan and I were a little disappointed with it because we were imagining something similar to the library in the Beats castle from Beauty and the Beast, but it was more like a museum of really old books. We're thinking we must have missed an entrance to a real library somewhere. We intend on going back and finding it. It had a sweet staircase in front of it, and the building itself was beautiful though. Why don't we build pretty buildings like these in the US???
Neither myself nor Tanner have a good explanation for his face in this picture. Or the other 2. |
Do I look like I'm thinking deep thoughts? |
Maybe if I put my head down it'll look deeper. |
So we actually had a guided tour of El Museo Arqueológico Nacional. Or the National Archeology Museum. Not gonna lie - it was cool, but it was soooo long. You can only hear so much about the Muslim architecture in the 15th century before needing a siesta and some helado. But, it was really pretty interesting. We started in the pre-human age and made it all the way through the Medieval Age before our guide had to leave us and we were free to do whatever. (Like go to the other side of the building and check out the sweet looking library)
This is Lucy! |
This is like a real human. A mummy. |
These are the two emperors from Gladiator. Marcus Aralias and then the bad guy. |
Outside El Museo Arqueológico Nacional |

So while Stefan and I were enjoying the library exhibits, the rest of the group kinda disappeared. Sooo we struck out on our own to try and finish off some of the cites we have to see before next Thursday. Our homework is basically being a tourist...totally beats doing homework for any other class ever.
Elevator in El Palacio de Cibeles. We took this because the guard told us that only one floor wasn't off limits so we just hit a random floor, decided it was one of the restricted areas and then had to bolt back into the elevator to avoid being kicked out. Ahaha. |
So while in the Plaza del Sol, we ran into a gay pride march. We didn't stay very long, but we did enjoy experiencing that side of Spanish culture. There's signs all of over Madrid that say something like "Ama a quien ama, Madrid te quiere" Love who you love, Madrid loves you/wants you
For dinner we went to this Italian place. It was pretty good! Stefan and I were laughing because the waiter was definitely hitting on me. I think he might of said like 3 sentences to Stefan and the rest of the time he was asking about me, where I'm from, if I like Italy or Spain more, etc.... Ahaha.
I tried to teach Stefan how to eat spaghetti fork and spoon style. He did pretty good! (Assuming I even taught him right ahaha.) |
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