Wow! I can't believe I'm actually in Spain!! It's so European. Which makes sense, because it's in Europe. The bells ring about every 15 minutes, and most of the floors are tile. Our family here doesn't use the air conditioning, rather they keep one door in the front open and one door in the back opens so that the "air can run" as Raymundo, our host family dad, says. Raymundo is awesome. He loves to talk, and it's fun to listen. He likes to talk to us about just about anything, and loves to help us with our Spanish. We were in the kitchen yesterday, and he came in and started to pointing to things making sure we had a working kitchen vocabulary. We didn't know the word for sink. Now we do. El fregadero. Speaking of vocab, it seems that here the bathroom while still technically a baño, is signaled with the word aseo. So if you have to use the bathroom, look for "los aseos", because if you're looking for "el baño" you're gonna have a rough time.
Hallelujah |
Our sweet setup. It had an outlet for our phones, and tons of games and movies for free. I watched Fantastic Beasts. |
Airplane food. Wasn't actually terrible. |

This is my friend Mary. She's from the Barcelona area and her first language is actually Catalan, but she also speaks Spanish and English.
Tara, McKenzie, and I were all on the same flight out of Dallas. Once we landed we ended up waiting in the airport from about 8:45 to 3:00. That was a long day. We were waiting for other people to show up so that we could get as many of us as possible on the bus to Alcalá
Our first selfie in Spain!
Trying to find food in the airport while waiting.
McKenzie, Tara, Stefen and I enjoying the Madrid sun (right outside the airport)
Once we arrived in Alcalá, we met our family and got moved in. Here's some photos of our cute little apartment space. Our family lives downstairs, and we have this upstairs room to ourselves. Our place is connected to theirs through a patio outside. Our room is so cute. Since we're the top floor we're subject to the slanted ceiling, but it's not bad for me. It's a little harder for McKenzie though - she's taller than me by a good 6.5 inches.
I took the purple one. Figured McKenzie could have the side with the taller ceiling.
Our cute little bathroom. Showering will be interesti
The bathroom sink. And our aseo!
Sticking our heads out the window in our roof. It's such a pretty view!
After getting moved in we walked around Alcalá a little bit trying to keep ourselves awake, and also looking for a laptop charger. (My bad)
We walked into a church thinking we'd just look around, and right as we walked in they started Mass. Sooo we sat in the back and went to church hahaha. Since we were in the way back we tried to be sly about taking pictures. We think we did a pretty okay job. The church was beautiful - we're going to try and go back when they're not having a session so that we can take more photos.
Coming home that night we had dinner with our family and then McKenzie went to bed. The all-nighter I had pulled really helped with the jet lag - I felt fine most of yesterday and good this morning. So I stayed and watched some fútbol with Raymondo. (TBD if I spell his name right haha) Their neighbor also stopped in and gave me some cherries. They were awesome! Everyone is super impressed with my Spanish, that I just learned in high school. Not gonna lie, right about now I'm super impressed with my Spanish. I'm in Spain and I know what's going on!! Whoop whoop!!
Fond some legs on Glorias kitchen counter. Not gonna lie, that was a bit of a shock haha.
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